Lime coatings

lime mortars

Lime paints and coatings are high-quality, natural surface and coating materials that are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.

Lime has been used in ecological construction for millennia. It is a durable and long-lasting building material, with important properties such as breathability and room temperature equalisation that promote well-being and health.

Lime products are breathable and permeable to water vapour, allowing any moisture below the surface to evaporate. Lime coatings are therefore highly resistant to changes in humidity and temperature.

The naturally high pH of lime does not provide a breeding ground for mould or bacteria. Lime also does not attract dirt or dust, as it is an antistatic material.

Our lime products are 95 % of organic Italian origin. Our responsibly manufactured lime products have an A+ indoor air quality certificate.

Lime paints and coatings can be used to create timeless solutions for walls and ceilings in modern or traditional styles. The texture of the surface is determined by the product chosen and the installation method.

Lime products can be protected against dirt and moisture by various protective agents. However, lime products are not recommended for use in the kitchen, as even a protective agent will not protect lime products sufficiently against greasy dirt or oil.

Lime paints and coatings can be tinted according to a wide range of shade charts and, in some cases, the NCS shade chart.

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